Tuesday, April 17, 2012

{Wedding} - Ridge and Lesley

Two weekends ago I photographed my fourth wedding. Ridge and Lesley 
were so photogenic, which made my job super easy and fun.
Congratulations Ridge and Lesley! 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Way Down In The Ozarks

This past week myself and my family went to Arkansas to visit my brothers family. We scheduled it that week because my niece and nephews spring break was that week unfortunately the weather was pretty nasty. But we braved it out and still went camping in the Ozarks and had great time too. We survived with a few minor injuries, although I didn't take any physical injuries on this trip, I did brake my camera lens. Plus I only had one camera with me and one lens. Thankfully my sister in-law has a Nikon too, but she didn't have a memory card so it worked out well that between the two of us we had one whole camera.     

                                This is Pinnacle Rock. (the place I ended up braking my lens.-I fell)

                                           Just a shot I snapped as we drove to a hiking spot.
                                                                 Mystic Caverns
                                         The sparkles were so much more beautiful in real life.

Another random place I took a picture of as we drove.

                                                          This is also Pinnacle Rock.

                           And I forget the name of this place, but it was a totally awesome hike.
                      We climbed up through this cave thing that had a water fall coming out of it.
                                              It was amazing viewing God's beautiful creation.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"The Left Behind".......(pictures)

I don't know if  you already know this or not, but I'm doing a project this year
where I am supposed to take a picture a day. You can see what I've done so far
 by clicking on this site http://366project2012.com/  and go to By Photographer
and click Hannah Sutton. So any ways I had some pictures that didn't make the
 cut but I thought were still decent photos.

Thanks for reading my blog ~Hannah

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

{Senior} Sarah

My sister was nice enough to let me do her
senior pictures for her. I had lots of fun working
with her. And by the way these were taken
in November. I'm a little behind with posting
but plan to be posting more consistently.

I love her shoes and she almost never wears them
so I made her wear them for a few pictures.

                                                  I saw this beautiful tree out by our pond
                                                    and envisioned a beautiful shot. :)
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Friday, January 6, 2012

Gone by Days...

So while I was going through some old photos I took in by-gones, 
I found these and thought them blog worthy!

                                 This picture actually isn't that old....By the way it's 100% raw!

                                                                     Raw as well.

                                                      I named this one pirate gold.

                                               This is side of an old slave quarters shack.

                                                                         Keep Out!

                                                 And another one of the slave quarters.