Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"The Left Behind".......(pictures)

I don't know if  you already know this or not, but I'm doing a project this year
where I am supposed to take a picture a day. You can see what I've done so far
 by clicking on this site  and go to By Photographer
and click Hannah Sutton. So any ways I had some pictures that didn't make the
 cut but I thought were still decent photos.

Thanks for reading my blog ~Hannah

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

{Senior} Sarah

My sister was nice enough to let me do her
senior pictures for her. I had lots of fun working
with her. And by the way these were taken
in November. I'm a little behind with posting
but plan to be posting more consistently.

I love her shoes and she almost never wears them
so I made her wear them for a few pictures.

                                                  I saw this beautiful tree out by our pond
                                                    and envisioned a beautiful shot. :)
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Friday, January 6, 2012

Gone by Days...

So while I was going through some old photos I took in by-gones, 
I found these and thought them blog worthy!

                                 This picture actually isn't that old....By the way it's 100% raw!

                                                                     Raw as well.

                                                      I named this one pirate gold.

                                               This is side of an old slave quarters shack.

                                                                         Keep Out!

                                                 And another one of the slave quarters.